Building Safety Bill Amendments

Database Powered Websites, SEO, Rich Content, Mobile Friendly Websites   The Local Government Association (LGA) is backing an amendment presented by St Albans MP Daisy Cooper, protecting residents of new buildings less than 18 metres. Local authorities feel that should the draft legislation not be amended to cover this, there is a risk of a…


Reduce Heating Oil Costs – Join a Buying Group

Search Engine Optimisation, Database Powered Websites, Rich Content, Mobile Friendly Websites   Our client Finlay Fuels, who supply and deliver home heating oil and other fuels, have created a great new initiative to save customers lots of money. Oil Buying Groups are an ideal way for local neighbours to share delivery costs when buying heating…


Construction Material Shortages

Database Powered Websites, SEO, Rich Content, Mobile Friendly Websites   Nobody was really sure how 2021 would go after the uncertainty of 2020, and what the knock on effects would be. It was swings and roundabouts for many, especially the construction industry for who it hasn’t been all plain sailing. Although the industry showed many…


The Oldest Functioning Website in the World

Search Engine Optimisation, Database Powered Websites, Rich Content, Mobile Friendly Websites     The internet is a cultural digital ecosystem, available to private and commercial consumers internationally. We use it to shop, sell, socialise, petition, play and inform, in fact there is hardly an aspect of our lives not touched by the web! This technology…


World Leading Mechanical Engineering and Installation

  Database Powered Websites, Search Engine Optimisation, Rich Content for Responsive Design Websites     These days it’s important to keep things ticking over smoothly, and where this is concerned, our clients Brookshaw Stuart are the experts! Brookshaw Stuart offer mechanical process plant engineering and installation to the highest standards across the UK. They are…


When Do You Use A Database?

Database Powered Websites, SEO, Rich Content, Mobile Friendly Websites   A database powered website will provide a streamlined, cost effective and user friendly solution that will boost your business. If you’re unconvinced, just think about the many ways that databases affect our daily lives. Gaming Gamers demand the latest technology along with fast and efficient…
