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Most of us here in the UK are hoping for a summer like the last one in 2018, day after day of glorious sunshine. Packed beaches and lucrative ice cream van businesses were a result of the consistently high temperatures. Although it couldn’t have been much fun for those working in busy, stuffy offices, especially if the air conditioning wasn’t up to scratch.

Air conditioning systems are subject to compulsory inspections, as defined by the TM44 guide. This requires that system owners and managers are knowledgeable about their building’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning [HVAC] systems. This isn’t simply red tape, and there are good incentives as the rewards include carbon emission reduction and energy savings.

These advantages have been demonstrated many times as with the inspections undertaken in a 3 storey building in Swindon. The inspection discovered that the complex HVAC system, was being controlled incorrectly and was consequently cooling and heating the same rooms simultaneously. Once this was corrected there were significant fuel savings.

The inspector may look at the general condition of the plant, review control strategies, look at system size, efficiency and load and update documentation. Inspection results are logged on the government landmark website and highlight points such as:-

The cooling capacity of the equipment in case of future retrofitting work.
Any necessary remedial work required.
Updates needed to O&M, F-gas register and design docs.
Identifying other possible advantageous work to further lower energy use and running costs.

Our clients Turn key Air Conditioning are experts in all forms of HVAC system, and can advise and organise your air conditioning inspection. They use the services of an accredited air conditioning inspector, supported by fully qualified Chartered Building Services Engineers. Call them now to find out more on 0191 438 7410.


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